Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Imagine That.

A few weeks ago I was featured on the Imagine That blog.
I also submitted a piece of writing for their magazine, about my source of inspiration.

The magazine came today, and I'm in it! Well my quote was, I wasn't in time to actually submit any work, but part of what I wrote is in there, along with my website, so that's always good exposure :) They did cut down what I wrote but that's probably a good thing.

You can buy the magazine here. There's some really lovely work it in.
I must remember to keep an eye on their blog for when they make the next magazine, actually send some work in this time and hopefully get something in print!


  1. Can you bring this when we next meet up? I kinda wanna see it :)

  2. I'm going to be in the second issue! Two photographs! Booyah :D


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